Limited Interaction

import limitedinteraction as li

li.button_dialog("Simple dialog windows for scripters and scientists.",
                 title='Limited Interaction',

This python module provides simple, generic dialog windows specifically aimed to scripters and scientists who need a concise, elegant way of interacting with their script users.

This module does not require any GUI programming, it has no external dependency, and it is completely independent of the graphical backend in use (if any). In IPython-based environments, its blocking functions allow interacting with Matplotlib figures while waiting for user action.

For those transitionning from Matlab, this module fulfils the same role as Matlab’s msgbox, inputdlg, menu and other simple GUI functions.

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Using pip:

pip install limitedinteraction

Using conda:

conda install -c conda-forge limitedinteraction



import limitedinteraction as li

Creating a persistent message window

li.message('Please wait a few moments.',

This is a non-blocking function. Any code after this call is executed immediately, while this message window stays in foreground. To close the message window:


Asking for user input

name = li.input_dialog('What is your name?', icon='question')

This is a blocking function. We wait for user input before continuing. Meanwhile, Matplotlib’s event loop is refreshed so that the user can interact with figures.

This same function can have several inputs and some inputs can be masked:

credentials = li.input_dialog('Please enter your credentials',
                              labels=['Username:', 'Password:'],
                              initial_values=['username', 'password'],
                              masked=[False, True],
choice_index = li.button_dialog('Please zoom on the figure and click Next.',
                                choices=['Next', 'Cancel'],
                                title='User interaction',

This is a blocking function. We wait for a choice before continuing. Meanwhile, Matplotlib’s event loop is refreshed so that the user can interact with figures.

Other functions

Get a file name using the operating system’s standard file selection window:

filename = li.get_filename()

Get a folder name using the operating system’s standard folder selection window:

folder = li.get_folder()


This module is developed by Félix Chénier at the Mobility and Adaptive Sports Research Lab (

It includes artwork developed by these designers:

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